Skip The Flush and Save Water with Organico


The elimination of Day Zero has introduced a whole lot of confusion in the Western Cape. The manic need to save H20 seems to have abated. But the reality is that our water problem isn’t solved, not by a long shot. Dam levels across the province are still dropping, barely scratching the surface at 22%. There’s been no rain, and the City says we’re still in the throes of the worst drought of recent times – 100 years to be exact.

What’s becoming more and more clear is that Cape Town’s water crisis is in fact not all drought-related, but rather a by-product of an increased demand on the water supply.  The Western Cape has seen a massive influx of new residents, which has placed massive pressure on all services, water included. Once again – this problem is not going away. Experts say that this is our ‘new normal’.

Whilst the Western Cape has been the hardest hit, how does the rest of the country fare when it comes to water? As the highveld enters its dry season, being water- wise should be top-of-mind. The crisis down South has reminded the country that no-one is immune to water issues.

Most people aren’t aware that each time you flush your toilet, between 7 and 9 litres of fresh, drinkable water goes straight into the sewerage system.  It’s been said that this generation will be known as the last to waste perfect water on something as menial as flushing waste. Shakil Ahmad from brand Organico says that people don’t want to follow the ‘if it’s yellow’ rule, mostly because it’s unhygienic and creates a foul-smelling odour.  In response to this, Organico has worked on a product that can now let everything mellow, without the odour, and with flushing only required once a day in your average household.”

‘What about the smell? It’s so unhygienic.’ Oh, for poop’s sake! “We hear your concerns and Organico has created an alternative odour reducing toilet flushing solution for households to use instead of water every time.”

Organico’s 100% natural ingredients break down human waste, kill germs and leave toilets smelling fresh. So, you don’t need to flush every time. Is it safe? Yes! Organico contains only natural enzymes, micro-organisms and bacteria that aren’t harmful to people, animals, plant life or the environment.

The product’s unique blend of bacteria contains equal amounts of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria that can function under all sorts of environmental conditions. So, just skip it; skip the flush. #skiptheflush

Organico will be available in a strip of 5 single dose 20g sachets at a cost of R19.99, a 100g pouch at a cost of R19.99 and a spray trigger bottle at a cost of R39.99. On shelf in all major retail outlets from 1 July 2018.

For more information visit  /SkipTheFlush