When lockdown ends, will your business be ready?

When lockdown ends, will your business be ready

Whether the lockdown ends on 30 April 2020 or a few weeks after that, your business will open its doors again. While a lot may have to change in order for your business to survive, just remember that we’ve already been through some tough storms, including droughts and incessant load shedding. You’ve survived all that and it’ll be the same with COVID-19, provided you adapt and go with the new normal when it comes to conducting business.

What we’re talking about here is the new transaction methods that businesses need to adopt. Why? Well, the reality is that the government may just extend the lockdown. Or they might open the country up a bit, phase out some restrictions to try to avoid the economy tanking completely and then be ready to go back into a full lockdown again. And when the country opens up again (yes, it will happen, stay strong) then businesses need to be ready to do their bit to keep things clean and curb the spread of the virus as people flood back in to buy services and products that they need, want, and have sorely missed.

There’s no room for complacency from the private sector. When the lockdown is over, we’ll all still need to do what we can to #FlattenTheCurve and prevent the virus from running rampant through the country.

To help you prepare for the inevitable flood of clients once the lockdown ends, we’ve got 2 highly suggested hygienic transaction methods and the best tip to help you operate as smoothly as possible.

Transaction methods: Cashless and cardless

The first method is to encourage your clients to go cashless to avoid touching and exchanging banknotes and coins. These items spread the virus quite quickly so cashless really is the way forward. If you’re a local small business that deals primarily in cash, then don’t despair. We understand that not all your clients will be able to avoid hard cash. But you can still do something and that’s to keep hand sanitiser at the counter for you, your staff, and clients to use before and after handling any cash. We also suggest that you keep a container at the counter for clients to drop their money into for you to then pop the into your cashbox. This way, you don’t ever handle the money physically and reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

The second transaction suggestion is to go cardless. If your business is able to do this, then we urge you to set up cardless and cashless payment systems, like Zapper or SnapScan. These online systems are convenient, safer, and quicker. Don’t forget to advertise your new cardless payment option so that clients know that this is your business’ preferred method of transacting. If they know, they’ll download and set up the apps so that they can pay quickly.

The best tip to make this easier for your business and your clients

Regardless of which method you opt for, you simply have to make sure that you and your staff are fully aware of what’s going on. It’s infuriating for clients if you don’t know how to work Zapper or can’t make cards tap or if you don’t know to wipe down the point of sale after each client. As a frequent client yourself, you’ll probably understand how off putting these scenarios are.

It’s also super frustrating to be on the other side of the counter, while your anxious client tries to pay and can’t for whatever reason. Avoid these situations by ensuring that you and your employees know how to use your new payment method and know what to do when experiencing technical issues.

We hope this helps you get ready for the end of lockdown (whenever it happens) and if you’re still searching for ways to ensure that your business is able to weather all sorts of trying times from storms and theft to power outages, then please consider an affordable business insurance policy. There are a few top insurance companies in South Africa who can offer you truly flexible cover that works in your best interests. Start your search today by clicking here to get a business insurance quote.

Posted in partnership with King Price Insurance