Ways to protect your home while you’re on holiday

Ways to protect your home while you’re on holiday

Burglars have gotten more sophisticated, it’s true. However, the thing is quite a few home burglars are actually opportunistic criminals who target homes that aren’t locked up like the proverbial Fort Knox. These are the homes that don’t have much by way of security. You might suppose that these homeowners are optimistic in their belief that crime won’t touch their houses and tend to be a little less cautious. And you’d be right.

We do admire these people in their positive thinking, but in this day and age, it’s far better to put some precautions in place. Especially during the holiday season, when a fair few of us are away, leaving our homes vacant and available for burglars to see if they can easily nip in and make off with our pricey valuables.

To help you avoid this situation, we’ve gathered easy security steps (and a few top tips) that you can action before you leave town.

Get chummy with your neighbours

We live in a different world to that of our grandparents, but the need for everyone to look out for 1 another is just as important. The thing is, it’s hard to do the said looking out for 1 another if you don’t actually know anyone around you. Even now, around the middle of November, you can get to know your neighbours. Your neighbours are the 1s who’ll be able to contact you if they’ve noticed something suspicious around the neighbourhood, which is super helpful if you’re not around to take note yourself.

Our top tip? We suggest that you arrange an impromptu neighbourhood braai or end-of-year street party to meet all of your neighbours before everyone retreats for their well-deserved time off.

Spot the motion

Thieves are particularly fond of houses that have minimal outdoor lighting, so before you pack up and drive off to your holiday destination take a day or so to install adequate lighting outside. Our top tip is to install motion sensor lights, because these use far less electricity.

Install good security

We’re talking alarm systems, electric fencing, CCTV cameras… Whatever works the best for your house to keep it safe. According to the security experts, alarm systems and electric fencing are the 2 basic features that you should consider. To amp things up a notch, you should install CCTV cameras. Not only do these features put thieves well off, but they also lower your home insurance premium by quite a bit.

Our top tip here is for you to not look at the fact that it’s November and *too late* to do anything. Because it isn’t. You can easily get 2 or 3 quotes by asking friends and neighbours who they recommend you get in touch with.

Put your stuff away

We mentioned up above that a lot of home burglaries are crimes of opportunity. In the spirit of not making it any easier for baddies to target your home, don’t leave valuables out in plain sight, like your gas braai or the kids’ bikes.

Remove your spare key

If you think that you’re the only genius leaving a spare key under the pot plant or welcome mat, think again. Criminals, even the dumb 1s, will scout around your front and back doors to find your spare key. Our top tip here is to leave your spare key with a trusted neighbour or your closest friend. And we don’t mean closest as in your bestie, but the friend who lives the closest to you.

Cover your chances

Alright, so once you’ve done all you can to safeguard your home it’s rather important that you understand this 1 thing. And that is… Home burglaries still happen. It’s a very sad fact. Doing all of this stuff of course will decrease your chances of falling victim to crime, but it still could happen. To make sure that you’ve covered all your risks, you should invest in home insurance.

Our top tip is to get 2 or 3 home insurance quotes and look for cover that offers the best price, covers your home for its true value, and gives you the best service. Why the best service, you ask? Because if your home is broken into, you want your insurer to be there for you. You want a company that treats you with compassions, handles your claim quickly, and goes the extra mile. We can start you off by pointing you in this direction, so that you can get your first quote right now.

Posted in partnership with King Price Insurance