Mercedes-Benz South Africa does the #MannequinChallenge

Mercedes-Benz South Africa does the #MannequinChallenge

Take the Mannequin Challenge – we will take the wheel: Mercedes-Benz reacts quickly to viral craze.

Quick turnaround and relevant engaging content is not the future of media, it’s the now.  This week Mercedes-Benz South Africa challenged their marketing partners to cleverly accept the #MannequinChallenge, a viral video craze that has swept the globe.

Turned around within 72 hours, from concept to flighting, Net#work BBDO, through their newly established content arm Flare, answered the call.

The #MannequinChallenge invites those who accept the challenge to remain motionless, like mannequins, while the camera moves around to create a frozen action effect. In its execution of the challenge, Mercedes-Benz demonstrates how the E-Class, with standard feature Park Pilot, takes control of the wheel to sort out everyday issues like parking – so that you can participate in viral internet crazes to your heart’s content.

Watch Mercedes-Benz accept the challenge:

Selvin Govender, Director for Marketing, Mercedes-Benz Cars in South Africa says, “At Mercedes-Benz we live by our mantra of ‘the Best or Nothing’ and in today’s rapid fire marketing environment where you need to be highly relevant, almost reactionary at times, we as a brand refuse to lower our standard simply to be faster.  This campaign or execution is a great example of relevant bespoke content that clearly relays our message, shot beautifully, quickly.”

“I believe we are working collaboratively with our agencies in a new and exciting way. We continue to emphasise quality and speed, but it all comes down to user engagement.  I think Mercedes-Benz is moving into new areas, particularly for an established global automotive brand. Recent campaigns like our #EveryTerrain campaign for SUVs is a good example of this, as well as the Beautiful News campaign that we are currently involved in with our partners.”

“This execution is fun, light-hearted, and almost cheeky – we are as proud of this work as we are of the vehicle it features,” concludes Govender.


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