Here are some free things to do this weekend


There was a time, not so long ago when people went out. They took in a movie (with popcorn and a Coke), went out for dinner, had a drink with friends, or kicked it old school for a few hours at the local arcade. Nowadays, a social life that involves going out will cost you an arm and a leg. And you can forget about if there’s more than 1 of you… That’s when it gets really expensive.

So, what are you meant to do? Stay home and count your fillings? Perish the thought! There are some incredible ideas out there that will help you spend some quality time with your friends and family without dipping into your pension savings, and we’ve narrowed it down to 5 activities that are realistic and fun.

Pot luck potjie 

Rather than spending a fortune at a restaurant, taking a gamble on something that sounds delicious but could be an expensive hotdog, check out your freezer. Hunt around for those Kudu chops you’ve been saving for a strange occasion. Heck, invite a few friends around with their own leftover ingredients and turn it into your very own ‘pot luck potjie’. You could even make it a competition to see who can create the best potjie out of whatever’s in the house!

Go to the library 

Remember libraries? Those buildings full of free books and magazines? If it’s a good library, you might even find a few good DVDs (especially for kids who haven’t seen the classics). The best part is that it’s all free, so sign up for your membership and treat the whole family to a few books each. Just don’t hang onto those books for too long or you’ll end up paying a fine.

Take a hike 

We South Africans are super privileged to live in 1 of the most naturally awe-inspiring countries in the world. No matter where you’re based, there’s probably a trail, a river, a park, or a mountain that’s within driving distance. All you need is your walking shoes and a bottle of water and you’re good to go for an hour or so of fresh air, Insta-worthy moments, and exercise.


There are heaps of skills and hobbies that you could learn to improve yourself with, if you just had the time… The weekend is a perfect opportunity to learn how to paint a still life, learn a new language, or learn how to do your own taxes. You could even use the time to figure out how the art to folding tiny paper swans out of serviettes. As long as you have enough time and an Internet connection (or a library card) then you can improve yourself in any area of your choosing.

Get a little dirt on your hands

If you have a garden, why not spend some time in it? Dig a compost pit, pull out the weeds, and propagate some slips (cuts from a mother plant)… Or if you don’t have your own garden, then take it upon yourself to do some guerrilla gardening in a patch of land (no matter how small) around your neighbourhood. Plant some butternut or spinach seeds and you could even help to feed hungry passers-by with your efforts (the best kind of vandalism). In fact, involve the whole family! As long as you have some basic implements, it shouldn’t cost you a cent.

These are easy ways to enjoy a weekend, but there are times when a meal out or a trip to the big screen is just what the doctor ordered. For those times, you need to stash a bit of money away so that you can treat yourself. If you’re looking for a fast way to get bucks back in your bank account, then why not switch to cheaper insurance?

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Posted in partnership with King Price Insurance