Nomu Hot Chocolate


If you haven’t had Nomu yet, then you might as well not be living. I recently bought some Nomu as I wanted to try something new. And I am happy I did.

You know when you go to a restaurant and you order a hot chocolate and then you go home and try to replicate it? We have all done this and most of the time it doesn’t work.

Actually I managed to make a delicous Oreo Milkshake that tasted exactly and if I may say even better than the restaurant where I had it. And instead of paying R25 it probably costed about R10 to make. The reciped and how to make it is included in the post.

So back to Nomu. I have tried to make some hot chocolate drinks at home and it tastes ok but not that rich and creamy taste that I want. Luckly Nomu have come to the rescue and created some delicous products that you can use at home to make hot or cold chocolate. Or you need to do is follow the instructions which is normally add one or two heaped teaspoons and then some hot/cold milk depending on the product.

So far I have tried the Drinking Chocolate Powder and Skinny Hot Chocolate. The Drinking Chocolate is amazing, creamy, rich and definitely is a good choice for making hot or cold chocolate at home. The Skinny Hot Chocolate is a low GI Hot Chocolate and is for weight-watchers, diabetics and for people who are unable to use cane sugar. I am not on a diet, nor diabetic and I can eat cane sugar and I still like the Skinny Hot Chocolate. I don’t really know what the difference in taste is between the Drinking hot Chocolate and the skinny which means that the Skinny is very tasty. The Skinny Hot Chocolate is also aspartame free and is therefore great for diabetics.

The other two products are Cocoa and Decadent Hot Chocolate Pieces which I haven’t tried yet. But if they live up to the same quality and taste of the other two products that I have had then I am sure that they are both amazing!


Nomu Hot and Cold Chocolate Range
Nomu Hot and Cold Chocolate Range


If you would like to win some awesome Nomu products, join their mailing list and you may win! You can see what you can win and fill out the Subscribe Form here!

Nomu are currently running a special. Buy the following three Nomu products from their online store for R99. That is a great deal as if you buy all three from the shops, you would pay R156.98 so thats a saving of R57.98

Nomu Online Deal
Get Skinny Hot Chocolate, Drinking Chocolate, Decadent Hot Chocolate, all for R99

So what are you waiting for, go to Nomu’s online store and get a great deal!




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