What is Instagram?


I am sure most of you by now have seen your friends posting photos too twitter or facebook that is from an app called Instagram. Instagram was started by Kevin Systrom and Michel “Mike” Krieger. Facebook bought Instagram recently for  $1 billion in cash and stock but luckily for us users it is free. Silly Facebook!!

Instagram allows you to take a photo, then apply one of 18 digital filers, share it to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr or foursquare and it also gets saved to your feed. Other users can like or comment on your photos and also “follow” you if they want to see more of your photos in their feed. If you wish you can put your profile on private which will require you to accept a follow before your pictures can be seen,liked or commented on.

In order to get your photos popular, hashtags are used. For example you can tag your photo’s with #InstagramCapeTown or #CapeTown etc. This will allow your photos to be seen by many more users than just your followers. In order to reach the popular page you need a lot of likes and followers

The best Instagram tag to use to get more followers and likes is #ctgstagram.

At the moment Instagram is availailable for IOS and Android. It is not available for blackberry yet but maybe it’s because most blackberry cameras aren’t very good. If you have a phone that supports Instagram but you don’t have a good camera, you can always use a better camera to take the photo and then transfer the photo to your phone to upload to Instagram

Click here to download Instagram for IOS and click here to download it for Android.

If you are a Cape Town Instagrammer, then please check out Instagram Cape Town to see some Cape Town photos and how to get your photos on Instagram Cape Town!

Please follow me on Instagram at CapeTownGuy

Update: Instagram have released web profiles. You can access a web profile by going to instagram.com/yourusername. Here is mine: http://instagram.com/capetownguy

Thanks for reading. Now go and join Instagram



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