Useful Tips to Get Your Samsung Air Conditioner Winter Ready

Useful Tips to Get Your Samsung Air Conditioner Winter Ready

Winter’s icy grip is around the corner, which is why it’s a good time to service your air conditioner. However, due to the restrictions imposed by lockdown regulations aircon installers are not able to assist as they usually would. Not to worry. Samsung has you covered with a useful tip that will help get you winter ready and assist in keeping the air in your home cleaner.

One of the things that you can easily do at home is to clean the filters in your air conditioner

The air conditioner’s filter removes contaminants such as dust particles, pollen and bacteria to keep the air cleaner inside our homes. Regular cleaning of your air conditioner filters also makes it more energy efficient and ensures optimum performance. We recommend that the filters are cleaned at least twice a year but additional cleaning might be necessary due to environmental conditions.

Take a look at how to do it.


Provided by Samsung SA