Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1


Everywhere you go, you will see someone with a tablet. A tablet is a touch screen computer the size of a book or bigger.

The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1  is considered to be the competitor to the Ipad by Apple. Apple were so scared by the introduction of the Galaxy Tab that they tried to sue Samsung for copying their design, but they lost the case.

The Samsung Galaxy Tab runs Android Os, an open source operating system by Google. Android allows you to do so much on the Galaxy Tab and is not limited like other devices that want you to pay for every app that you download.

It is possible to get a 16gb or 32 gb versions with wifi or wifi with 3g. I have the 16gb wifi version, anyways I am not going to use 3g as i’m always near wifi! But if I do need to use 3g I can teather my phones 3g to the Galaxy Tab!

The Galaxy tab has a dual core processor with 1gb of RAM. It is fast and manages well with many applications running. The screen is clear and scratch resistent.

I have a usb connector with allows me to plug it in to the Galaxy tab and then plug in any usb device such as a flash drive to access the content on it. This cannot be done on the Ipad, sorry Ipad users.

The Galaxy tab is lighter than the Ipad and even has a slightly bigger screen. I would suggest you buy the Galaxy tab 10.1 16 wifi. You can get it for a great price online or even second hand.

I love taking out my tab and launching one of my applications, of which there are many that you can get from the “play store”.  Tablets are just so usefull today and easier than carrying a heavy laptop. Laptop battery’s may last 5 hours and the Galaxy Tab can last a whole day, even more!

Get the 32gb wifi and 3g version from Expansys by clicking here


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