Items you should always have in your car


Listen, we don’t want to be dramatic or anything but cars are basically like second homes now. Yup, we should give up on little city toot-toots and just buy caravans because then we’ll have everything we’ll ever need when stuck in traffic for the umpteenth time this week. Including a loo (don’t lie, you know you’ve considered something drastic when nature called that 1 time when you were stuck on the highway). To make the hours a little more bearable and survivable, there are a few items that you should consider stocking your car up with.

You know, in case of boredom or an emergency.

Here’s a list of the things we highly recommend that you keep in your car at all times.

The spare and the cables

Batteries die and tyres go pop. It just happens and you need to be prepared, so make sure you’ve got jumper cables as well as the right-sized spare tyre, a jack and a spanner in your car at all times. And if you don’t know how to change a tyre or safely use jumper cables, then pretty please take a few mins to learn on YouTube. There are loads of tutorials that can help you master these essential skills.

(P.S. If you have car insurance then you can also call on their road assistance service for extra help.)

The first aid stuff

This is a super underrated and vitally important item to keep in your car. Even if you just get a small kit, you’ll be armed with bandages, gauze, and disinfectant, however we do suggest that you supplement it with painkillers, diarrhoea medicine, anti-nausea medicine and anything else you could imagine needing if you’re going on a long trip.

A flashlight

And some spare batteries for it…

Water and snacks

Low sugar levels and dehydration are concentration killers, which isn’t exactly what you want when you’re supposed to be focused on the road. Anyone who has been stuck on the highway or waiting for help to arrive on the side of the road will testify to the fact that having a bottle of water and a small bag of peanuts on hand was the thing that got them through to the other side. The other side being home and not the nearest drive-through.

An accident form

An accident form will help guide you through the first few disorienting minutes following a car accident so that you can put in a claim with your insurer without any issues.

A map book

Obvs we all use our phones for directions, but what if your phone dies and you can’t charge it? Hey? What you going to do? We’ll tell you. You’re going to get out your map book that hasn’t seen the light of day in years, dust it off, and find your way home.

A phone charger and power bank

Speaking of your phone dying… Make sure you keep a car charger or a power bank in your car. Actually, put both in the car. These neat little mobile fuel cells provide a great emergency source of power if your phone battery dies. Keep 1 fully charged in your car so you can make an emergency call when you need to.

Tissues, wet wipes or toilet paper

We’re not going to go into why you’d need any of these items. Just put ’em in your car.

Your car manual

Most of the time when your car lights up and bing-bongs, it’s just because it needs some oil or water, but there are also times when it’s more complicated. That’s when you can refer to your manual and avoid coming up with your own crazy interpretation.

Of course, the best thing you can pack into your car (metaphorically speaking) is the peace of mind that comes from having comprehensive car insurance. Get a quick quote here

Posted in partnership with King Price Insurance