How apps are changing the vehicle landscape


Technology has evolved to such an extent that our own imagination seems to be the only limiting factor to what it can accomplish. Even traditional professions, like estate agents and car salesmen, have irrevocably changed thanks to the ubiquity of those handy devices we have in our pockets or handbags.

Mobile phones and tablets are empowering people from all walks of life to be part of the digital revolution. And while the debate will always rage about the cost of mobile data, the increasing availability of free public Wi-Fi hotspots make mobility accessible to the larger population. Thanks to this mobile lifestyle, apps have also grown in importance – delivering services that range from social networking and music streaming, all the way through to submitting insurance claims and buying cars online.

Even vehicle recovery is benefitting from these handy apps. Not only can you report your stolen vehicle via the app, but you can also check the working status of your recovery device and sign up for additional services. Of course, this also means that the security services can recover these prized-possessions quicker and more effectively than ever before.

Beyond buying a car, getting it insured, and even tracking it online, technology is also changing how we drive our cars. Think how telemetry solutions are changing how insurers determine their rates or give you a reward for driving well, monitored via an app. Are you a ‘safe’ driver? Chances are, your premium will be lower than those 20-year old youngsters who still have a need for speed.

Today apps are everywhere – there are apps for home systems, to control the temperature and lights, and to manage security. There are apps for eating, drinking, exercising and almost everything else you do. They can even sense, feel, and touch.

These are exciting times. And it all started with the humble smartphone app.

Provided by: Beame, a MiX Telematics Brand