Here are some health apps to start using on World Health Day!

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Celebrated annually on April 7, World Health Day is a global health awareness initiative driven by the World Health Organisation. It features a different theme every year that highlights a priority area of global public health concern. The theme for 2022 is ‘Our planet, our health,’ which places the spotlight on not only improving our health but also that of the planet and how the two are interlinked.

Imagine a world where clean air, water, and food are available to all and countries focused more on health and wellbeing. That is the intention of this year’s World Health Day, as it creates an opportunity for us to think differently about these and many other aspects taking more responsibility for the care of our planet, ourselves and our communities.

Starting this World Health Day, why not let  AppGallery be your trusty companion as it gives you access to a plethora of interesting apps that help you become more health and environmentally aware in all facets of your life. Here are a few cool apps to help get you started:

  • Keeping up with the news

First up is the Environmental Engineering app. But don’t let its name intimidate you. This is a wonderful resource for blogs, videos and news about the environment. You can even take quizzes and read up on everything from solar energy to sound pollution. There’s literally something for everyone and it contains a treasure trove of information to help you become more sustainable.

  • Browsing for trees

Now this isn’t something you see every day. Ecosia is a privacy-friendly search engine that uses its profits to plant trees. According to the developers, it uses 80% of its profits from advertising revenue to support tree-planting projects around the world. So you only need to keep browsing the Web, like you normally would, to make a massive change in the world.

  • Recycling

Recycling might not sound that exciting, but the Newspaper Recycling app is sure to pique your interest. This app gives you many ideas on creating things from old newspapers. Whether it is making pots for flower and vegetable seedlings or pureeing used paper and water to make recycling craft paper, Newspaper Recycling has lots of great ideas. Get the entire family involved and put a new spin on recycling.

  • Eating healthy

Of course, what we eat is just as important as what we do. The SuperFood – Healthy Recipes app takes care of that, providing you with great tasting recipes that are healthy. It even features a calorie counter to ensure you don’t overindulge. See something you’d like to cook? You can easily create a shopping list of the ingredients you require from within the app. SuperFood – Healthy Recipes also features powerful search functionality, so you can quickly find that winning recipe that is as good for you and the family.

  • Pack a punch

Once you’ve got the healthy eating down, how about getting your fitness on track to improve your physical wellbeing? The Workout-Health & Fitness app should be your go-to in this regard. Build muscle and stay fit in the comfort of your own home from a range of workout plans. You don’t even need e any exercise equipment. The app shows you exactly how to perform each exercise as you continue to take care of your body.

With AppGallery by your side, enjoy this year’s World Health Day and commit to doing your part to live more sustainably by taking care of our planet, ourselves and our communities, now and in the future. Explore all these apps by logging onto HUAWEI AppGallery

Provided by HUAWEI South Africa