Hasbro winter games challenges you to reinvent the classics

Hasbro winter games challenges you to reinvent the classics

With winter fast approaching families around South Africa will be spending a lot more time indoors as the days get colder and the nights longer. To add some fun to indoor time Hasbro, one of the world’s largest toy, game and entertainment experience companies, challenges families and friends to put a new spin on classic fun by adding a fresh twist to the games that they have come to know and love including Jenga, Twister and Monopoly amongst other newer options including Speak Out and Cranium Dark.

For the adults how about organising some parent time-out and include some fun gaming ice breakers at your next friend’s get-together.  The kids will love a games challenge complete with medals for the winning team.

Set up your favourite games (don’t forget to add the surprise element to each challenge) in rounds and play each game as a relay with a timer to ensure teams move between games. Include some fun novelty prizes for the winning teams.

To start you off, we have come up with a few suggestions on how to ‘change up’ some Hasbro favourites – can you think of a better way to raise the fun?

  1. Chopsticks Jenga Anyone? It’s usually a simple equation. Gather your friends together, throw in a lot of laughter and a little attitude, and get the Classic Jenga party started.  Pull the block, stack it on top, and hope the tower doesn’t crash down – easy, right? But have you tried using chopsticks instead of your fingers to move the blocks? Take it up a notch by having all your friends and family use chopsticks to pull blocks and stack them – who has the steady hand now?

  1. Layered Up Twister. Get moving and keep the party going with the classic game of Twister. Take turns with the spinner. You’ll be tangled up and laughing out loud in no time! Be the last one standing and win, but could you pull off a win with five or more layers of clothes on?  Start the game with all the items in your winter wardrobe try your best to twist and tangle with the added warmth. Or how about Twister Sumo-Style? Tie a pillow around your waist and try navigate the Twister board with the extra weight.

  1. Mark Your Territory on MONOPOLY Mzansi. The familiar family game with localised streets and properties for South African players can also get a fresh approach. Flip the rules and introduce a new approach; if you have lived on one of the streets on the MONOPOLY Mzansi board in real life, you automatically own that street at the start of the game. How’s that for a twist?


  1. Cranium Dark is epic fun all on its own. Pick an action card and a cranium card, after sharing the action card with the other players act out the word on the cranium card in the style of the action card and get your co-players to guess the word. How easy is it to get your friends to guess ‘milking a cow‘ while acting like a zombie?

For the Kids:

  1. Set up four Connect 4 boards to create a square shape, enjoy some disc dropping fun and play musical chairs while attempting to complete all four boards.


  1. The Classic Operation Game tests who has the steadiest hand but who can operate the fastest when they have a ticking timer in the background?


  1. Toilet Trouble goes up a notch when the player spinning the toilet roll and pulling the toilet handle in anticipation of getting splashed isn’t the same person facing the spray.

Challenge your family and friends to think up fresh takes on these classic games and share the best suggestions on social media using #HasbroWinterGames.

Hasbro Games are available from Toys R Us, ToyZone, Toy Kingdom, Hamleys, Lilliputs, Takealot.com and other major retailers.

Visit www.hasbro.co.za or Facebook