Changes that will totally refresh your life

Changes that will totally refresh your life

It’s entirely possible to make a fresh start in life at any stage. Whether you’re young, middle-aged, or in your twilight years, you can make changes that will refresh how you live and how happy you are. It might not feel that way… But it’s true. And you don’t have to wait for a new year to do it!

You might be thinking that this is all easier said than done, however we’re not challenging you to become a different person altogether or to throw away everything in your home so that you can start again. Instead, we’re going to offer you a few tips that shouldn’t be too difficult to action and have the potential to give you a fresh perspective, blow the cobwebs out, and re-energise your life.

Here are our top steps that can help you hit the refresh button.

Identify why you want to make a change

It’s easy to think about what you want to change, like knowing immediately that you want to exercise more. But actually, we think it’s more important to look at why you want to change so that you have a better understanding of what kind of change you want or need to make.

To do this, sit and take a few notes of things you wish were different. A great example could be your job. Do you not enjoy what you do? Then look at what it is that you don’t like so that you can make the right change. For instance, you might realise that you don’t dislike what you do, but the commute has made life difficult and tiring, so maybe the change could be the same type of job, but in a different location.

Declutter your digital life

In the digital era, what you consume online can affect your happiness. Consider the shows and news you watch, the music you listen to, and the accounts and people you follow on social media. Are these things good for your happiness or is your digital content causing negativity, conflict or self-doubt? If so, it’s probably time to do a virtual declutter of your digital life. We suggest taking some to unfollow and unsubscribe from anything that’s no longer serving you for the better.

Tackle 1 thing at a time

Changing your life doesn’t happen all at once. You probably already have a good idea of just how overwhelming it can be to try and change too much at once. Instead, it’s better to focus on 1 thing at a time, like changing your job or doing a digital detox. Then, when you’re comfortable in that change, move on to the next 1.

Toss the duplicates

They (the all-knowing experts) say that physical clutter leads to mental clutter, bombarding your mind with excessive stimuli which forces the brain to work overtime. So, when you declutter your physical space, you’ll discover that your mind is also decluttered.

There are various reasons why we accumulate clutter, but the 1 we want to focus on is clutter that’s made up of duplicated items. Sometimes you forget that you already have the item at home, or you’ve bought another while on holiday, or you forgot that you already owned 1. Most of us have drawers, boxes, or even whole rooms that are overrun with duplicated items. But you don’t need 3 hairdryers, 12 pens, 8 half-used notebooks, 4 unused phone chargers, and your dad’s old CD player. You really don’t, so it’s time to clear out the extras and give yourself some space.

Sort out your admin

Performing any of these steps can be a bit daunting. Even unfollowing that Instagram account that makes you feel like your life is boring or your house is ugly. It can be difficult to let go. Let us introduce you to productive procrastination, which is basically when you do beneficial things while delaying doing more important things. It can be a useful way to get through that boring admin you’ve neglected because, while it’s important, it’s not as important as working out why you want to make a big change in your life.

According to the experts at Solving Procrastination, doing something else that’s necessary but less important can help you get through other mundane tasks on your to-do list. We highly recommend that you put this theory to the test and sort out the admin of life, such as updating your car and home insurance policies when something in your life has changed. You know, like updating your car insurance policy if your work address has changed.

If you’re with an insurer like King Price, you can most likely do these updates on their royal app, which you can use for all sorts of things, like doing self-inspections. Of course, if you prefer to use their website, you can click here to get car insurance quote that comes with premiums that decrease with each passing month.

We hope this helps!

Posted in Partnership with King Price Insurance