A chance purchase wins a KZN resident a brand new car

A chance purchase wins a KZN resident a brand new car

When Jay Naidoo, from Pietermaritzburg in KZN popped into the Supa Quick store earlier this year to change his tyres to Firestone, little did he know that he would be driving away in a brand-new Toyota Hilux Double Cab before the end of the year. While his car’s tyres were being attended to, he thought to kill time, he would just fill in his details for the in-store competition to stand a chance to win either a BMW 3 Series or Toyota Hilux. He did not think much of it and had even forgotten about it until he received a call from Supa Quick informing him of his prize, which has since put a permanent smile on his face.

“The prize could not have come at a better time,” said Jay who could not hide his excitement. “This will help me a great deal for work and to get around with family.” The owner of Supa Quick Pietermaritzburg. Mr. Dave Davie was delighted to hear that the winner was from his store. “Nothing brings me more pleasure that putting a smile on the face of my customers and making a difference in their lives; it is truly rewarding,” Davie proudly states.

Naidoo was the lucky one amongst the 35 000 nationwide entrants of the Supa Quick Choose Your Brand, Choose Your Car competition. Participants had to simply buy any Bridgestone or Firestone tyre, Monroe shock absorber, Willard battery or ATE brake product between 1 May and 31 July 2018 at Supa Quick and then enter their details in-store to win a brand new BMW 3 Series or Toyota Hilux. It was up to the winner to choose which car he or she would like to drive away in, and for Naidoo, it was a Toyota Hilux.

“The opportunity to choose a prize from the options given was a hit with customers judging by the high number of entries received. And it is pleasing to note that most motorists purchase good quality products for their cars which goes a long way to ensuring safety on our roads. We are delighted to deliver this car to Mr. Naidoo and he knows where to go when he needs his tyres, shock absorbers, brakes and batteries serviced,” said Desirée van Niekerk, Supa Quick Brand Manager.

Naidoo received his car on Friday, 09 November from Supa Quick Pietermaritzburg

Provided by Bridgestone South Africa