Why do you need a greywater system for irrigation?

Why do you need a greywater system for irrigation

The greywater system is where the water from the shower, bath, laundry, and bathroom sink, goes for disinfection using calcium hypochlorite. Hypochlorite is a plant-friendly chemical used as a disinfectant. It removes microorganisms like E. coli from used water and makes it safe for irrigation use.

Greywater systems South Africa has a submersible pump that automatically turns on when the water has been disinfected and pumps the water to your garden for irrigation.

What is Greywater System?

Greywater describes grey-tinted water used for various cleaning purposes such as showering, laundry, bathing, and hand washing. It doesn’t include the water used while defecating or using the toilet.

This used water is recycled and redirected for other uses with the help of greywater system technology. Although this water might look dirty as it’s grey, it is perfect for watering gardens.

How Does Greywater System Work?

The greywater system uses a hypochlorite chemical to disinfect the used water from bathtubs, sinks, and showers. It is stored in the tank for a short time before it is released for irrigation.

The greywater system uses a pump or gravity to divert the water. The system has a surge tank which holds the water initially. The surge tank is entirely drained every time grey water is distributed to the irrigation system. Also, grey water must not remain in the tank for long periods.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still looking for more info? We’ve compiled a list of FAQs – Check them out.

1.    Is Greywater Safe For Plants?

Greywater is completely safe for plants. The system uses hypochlorite to disinfect the microorganism E. coli from used water, making it ideal for irrigation.

2.    How Long Does The Installation Process Of Greywater System Take?

The landscape installation and management of the laundry grey water system process takes 5 to 8 hours; it gets done in a day. However, the installation of the shower system takes two days. Installation of rain collecting systems typically takes one day.

3.    Can I turn off my shower system because it has been raining all day?

Yes, you can always turn the system off. A three-way valve is incorporated into every greywater system. There are two settings available on the valve: “water to landscaping” or “water to the sewer.”

If there has been a lot of rain or you are using a soap or detergent that isn’t suitable for the greywater system, you can change the system to a water-to-sewer option whenever you want.

Provided by https://calcamite.co.za/


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