Cameraland Be Inspired

Cape Town Guy Instagram

I am Inspired.

Actually, I was inspired before, I mean with six Instagram accounts and counting I am pretty much on Instagram all the time.

Cameraland hosted an event called Be Inspired which was about Mobile Photography. Since we all have our phones with us all the time, we tend to use our phones to take photos. With Instagram being the most popular app for sharing images with your friends and followers, mobile photography has evolved.

The Instagram scene is getting really big in South Africa and especially in Cape Town. We have some really talented Instagrammers who each have different skills.

I have never been on an Instawalk (Instagram walk) before and I have always thought that it wasn’t for me. When I heard that there will be an Instawalk before the event, I made sure that I would be there. We walked around the streets of the Bo-Kaap and snapped some cool shots and shared tips with each other. It was so much fun and I look forward to joining @igerscapetown on their next Instawalk.

We walked around and took some shots and then went back to Cameraland for drinks and to listen to the really inspiring speakers! Then there were prizes and some happy winners!

I got to play with the Samsung Galaxy 4 Zoom, which is a Samsung Galaxy Mini with a camera. It actually has an optical zoom so you can zoom in and still produce quality photos. I hope to do a review on it shortly.

Please check out some of the following Instagrammers that I managed to meet:







and of course check out, @capetownguy 🙂

Here are some shots that I took and posted to @Instagramcapetown

Here are the same shots but in Black & White for my Black & White account: @capetownguy_bw

Browse the #cameralandbeinspired hashtag on Instagram and twitter to see more shots from other Instagrammers.

Connect with Cameraland:




See you at the next Cameraland Be Inspired event!





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