Make money online

Make Money Online

I am sure you are all looking for quick ways to make some extra cash. Let’s face it, times are hard and if you could score some extra money, life would be easier. You can find tips and methods online that tell you how to make money but they all require you to pay for the tips/methods or they either don’t work and take to much time.

I have registered for survey websites that claim to pay you a few dollars for competing surveys and guess what, I still have not even made a dollar. So I have been scouring the web looking for a website that’s worth spending and investing time on.

Those who have always had luck on their side have the option of trying games of chance. The internet is now teeming with online games that involves money. One such site is pocket fruity, a website that allows you to download and play slots games and actually win money. There are a variety of games so you can choose a game that suits you or you can play them all. Once you register, they give you a £10 welcome bonus as well as 350 fruity coins. This can then be used when you play the available games. I like the idea of the welcome bonus as it allows one to test out a game before you deposit money from your credit or bank account. Once you have accumulated some money, you can withdraw it.

The games are playable on Windows, IOS and Android platforms. So this means you can play at home on your pc or on the go on your Apple or Android mobile phone.

My first game that I am going to play will be Cop-The-Cash as it the newest game at the moment and it looks like a fun game to play.

You can also see a real time log of different user’s latest winnings so you can choose the game that the winners are currently playing.

Now to get back to this game

Pocket Fruity




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