Samsung mocks Apple with a range of adverts

Samsung Mocks Apple with Ingenius Adverts

Samsung and Apple are rivals just like Captain America and Iron Man are. A while back Samsung had a dig at Apples notch with an hilarious campaign. Now Samsung are back and this time they created a fake Apple store to promote the Galaxy S9. It may look like Samsung are promoting the Apple iPhone X at first but that is far from what is actually happening.

In the first video, the customer wants to know if he can still use his headphones with the iPhone X. He is told he is going to need a dongle.

In this video, the question is whether the iPhone X camera is better than the Galaxy S9. Well of course it is, the DxOMark score is higher but the sales assistant loves his Apple and overlooks it.

This customer wants to know if she will get a fast charger with the iPhone X like the Galaxy S9. The answer is not straightforward.

This lady wants to know if the iPhone X has faster download speeds than the Galaxy S9. The sales assistant knows that the iPhone X can’t compete with the download speeds of the S9 so he compares the speeds to the iPhone 8!

Where is the MicroSD card slot? Sorry you have to either use the cloud or pay more or just get a Galaxy S9.

Want to open two apps at the same time on the iPhone X? You have more chance of your nail colour changing..

Love the notch or hate the notch. The notch will destroy your life. Luckily the Galaxy S9 is notch free.

Want to know more about the Galaxy S9? Check out my review here

Nice one Samsung. It’s your turn Apple. No you can’t use an old advert.