RiCharge Super Station

RiCharge Super Station

Having to shlep around cables to charge your phone or tablet when at work is a mission. You either forget the cable at home or at work. If only there was a way to easily charge your devices out of the home.

RiCharge is Africa’s leading manufacturer and supplier of mobile charging solutions. They have developed some amazing charging solutions. I was sent the Super Station to test out.

The Super Station features 12 charging drawers that are basically power packs that can charge various devices such as tablets, Smartphones, Mp3 players and cameras. Each drawer can charge Nokia phones, any device using a micro USB, mini USB and the iPhone 4 and 5. Each drawer is housed in the mainframe which also charges the drawer. This deters theft as the only way to charge the drawer is in the mainframe. When a drawer is charging, the charging light is red. When ready for use, the drawers light changes to green.

Using the RiCharge Super Station is easy. Pull out an available drawer, plug in an appropriate cable and push the power button to start charging your device. Once charging, the drawer has four blue lights and each light indicates 25% of the battery.

The charging ports have magnets attached to easily store them within the drawer. This helps ensure that they don’t get in the way when inserting the drawer in the mainframe.

The Richarge Super Station allows fast mobile charging of devices and is the perfect solution for office and public spaces. You can charge a fee and turn your Super Station into a money maker!



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